EDIT: Link to bow tie listing fixed!
I know I'm posting out of order. Valentine's Day bow tie will come later.
Ellie's Valentine's Day present to me was awesome. AWESOME. She set up a very manly dressing area for me. She took my valet and added to it a beautiful mirror, an antique bench, a tie hook, and a shoe horn. This in addition to pretty much overhauling our bedroom--new blinds, curtains, bedside lamps...the works.
It must have been this old fashioned gentlemanly environment getting to me when I reached for the suspenders (or as I should say, in old gentlemanly parlance, "braces").
An, of course, she made me some new bow ties from the pile of old neck ties. This one a 100% silk club diamond cut. I love this bow tie. But I'm going to part with it anyway. It's yours if you're quick.
I should also say that Ellie took these thrift store chinos in a bit in the leg for me. Which makes her even more awesome.
So awesome that, when she says "jump!", I am prone to say "how high?"
Thanks, hon.
Dear All—
If ever you don’t see a link to the store, or if the link is broken, you can always head to the store and find it. If it’s sold out, it’ll either be marked “sold out” or it will be gone altogether.
Here’s the link!
Sorry Ray—
Here’s the link!
I guess this one had gone too…. (no link to click on To Buy)…oh well.
Am I quick enough for the bowtie?