FAQ 1: "Where's Your Bow Tie???"

I got this all the time---as soon as people found out I was the husband of a bow tie haberdashress. Not so much in 2012. Was hoping to get it tonight when I realized I had the freedom to wear a new / old thifted neck tie (which, like almost all my neck ties, are now on bow tie death row), being as I've already worn, and sold, today's bow tie. I did get the question, and was able to impress the inquirer with more of an answer than he bargained for.

Dear neckties: you are still awesome. I have not abandoned you. Love, ARS





January 25, 2012

and that’s a NICE one…dad was drooling over yesterday’s “last” bow tie but figured he was way too late to order it….!

ray frensham
ray frensham

January 25, 2012

This,I am afraid, is sacrilege. Many’s the time I have debated (warned people about) the addictive nature of bow tie wearing (and collecting)…. you will get to a point (however many hundred you accumulate) when you say “no more, I have enough”…but there will always be that new one that comes your way that you Must have and wear.
I remember once, just out of interest, I decided to wear a straight tie. ALL my friends just looked at me and said: “Ray. No. It’s not you.”

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