Here are the contestants. Click any image to get a closer view and a slideshow. Tell us (by indicating the number) who deserves a free bow tie. Be compelling. We have veto power. Ready: go!
13 and 11!!!!!! :D
13…classy father, cute daughter
13!!! that is adorable
I am voting for 11. Everyone else should also! ;)
How could anyone even think of choosing someone other # 13! Come on, anyone with a baby that cute, deserves a new bow-tie!
I vote for number 13!
Number 13 has a great taste forJon fashion. A baby and a bowtie, looks perfect.
NUMBER 13 LOOKES SO SNAZZY!!!! I’d have say that out of all of those folks, Number 13 definitely deserves it! He looks so natural in a Bowtie. I beg you, (I’m on my knees) make the right decision and choose number 13. Just looking at him makes me want to buy a bowtie!
I guess we can’t have a tie here, so I’ll pick #11.
Number 13—doesn’t the cap just make the bowtie look all the better?
#11- the bow tie suits him. :-)
#11. he looks completey natural.
I’m putting in a plug for #2. The man clearly appreciates dressing well, looking Christmas-y, and he could use a vote.
Got to vote for my boy RW, #12.
#13. See ya for dinner!
Number 13 rocks! If he wins, we’ll expect him, the cute ornament, and his lovely wife over for dinner! If he loses, we will still expect all three to come over for dinner!!
#7. Can’t argue with a well-dressed toddler. Just think: with such a well-dressed upbringing, he’s going to have extra time to develop his style muscle, becoming a superior dandy later in life.
12 because he asked nicely, but 13 is my favorite pic!
A, Esq. to be
I say that even though I love the people in number 13, my vote has tottered over toward number 11! Yeah, it’s cool, bow ties are cool! ;-)
#13: Stripes, hat, baby and bowtie…a winning combination.
Hmmmm, this is very hard. #11 looks dashing as a good father should…but #13 is looking quite dapper in his first fine linen bow tie! My sweet husband and a gentleman at all times, I do believe that he deserves a new bow tie to help him grow his new collection and keep him on the road of well dressed new father.
Number 11 is, hands-down, the best dressed man I have ever seen. He looks like he was born to wear a bowtie! It fits his personality like a glove. Plus, he believes that bowties are cool. If nothing else, that alone, should be the reason he deserves a free bowtie.
Number 1 is the cutest! Vote for him!
I like number #11.
I vote for #11
Number 11 is the best. Hands down.
#12! Because… well, that’s who I’m voting for.
Let’s go with no. 3
I say #11 NEEDS that bow tie! He dreams about bow ties, writes posts about bow ties, writes in his diary about them, begs his family and friends for them, and even decorates cakes with them. If he doesn’t get a new one soon he might need a straight jacket or could be saving his life! Act now!
Number 11 Rocks!
Number 11!!
Number 11 has my vote. Nice picture overall, like to see a face with the tie, and of course that tie is quite distinguished. Christmas tree in the background is the cherry on top.
I vote for number 3. You can’t beat a father who sets a great sartorial example for his son. Plus, the tie really does have the holiday appropriate design.
11 is my vote just because he looks like a bow tie fits him best
number 13
I vote for #12 because he looks great in a bowtie. And he’s handsome and smart, too. He should definitely get a free bowtie!
One. Hands down, of the more gay apparel.
While I’m certainly pulled toward #13 (the charming ornament on his lap really helps), number 11 has my vote (and my heart). enamored sigh
#11. Bow ties are cool
I like #11
gotta vote for the black guy—-it won’t look good if i am 0-2 on the year
Number 1!!
Number 10—cool vibe all around! Runner up is Number 5—very nicely tied!