Ascot: NOT in stores everywhere this fall.

I don't really know what to say about this.  I'm still trying to figure out if I like him wearing it. But after his unrelenting nagging, I went ahead and made him an ascot just for fun.  He found the tutorial here.  This particular one was made with two vintage neck ties so it is reversible.  Andy is very exited about it.  He plans to wear it to a preaching conference and then to smoke pipes with friends tomorrow.  He's a strange bird.

The word on the internet is that ascots (also known by their British name, the day cravat) are for old men, rich men with yachts, or young men who are jerks.  Of course the guy from Gilligan's Island is frequently mentioned.  Andy can't see why this particular piece of neckwear should be considered any more silly than a bow tie.  Even neckties are pretty odd when you step back and think about it.  

Since this ascot is made out of neckties, it's not made to the same specs of a genuine store-bought ascot.  It was less difficult to make than a bow tie.  I don't expect the orders to come flooding in from all over the world, though---do you?  But the reality is, he begged me to make him a seersucker bow tie, and I did.  And now I have the coolest job in the world.  (The difference is, of course, that I actually thought the seersucker bow tie was cool.  This, well...) 






February 26, 2010

Andy looks so suave! He’s a good looking guy and the ascot suits him perfectly. Make him some more!


February 19, 2010


On the one hand, the Lord welcomes everyone, regardless of his attire. On the other hand, dressing well for church shows the proper attitude for worship, and respect towards not only your fellow parishoners but also towards God. (Maybe you’ve even heard of the expression “your Sunday best”? It refers to the nicest clothes you have—the ones that are appropriate for wearing to church.)

A very interesting discussion can be found here:
Sean’s comments are especially germane.

Del T
Del T

February 15, 2010

Love it !
Want One Myself !!


October 15, 2009

I’m enjoying your site. Do you ever visit Will at “A Suitable wardrobe?” He loves ascots…

“And finally, a man has to wear one publicly to prove to himself that others will not stare, nor will small children hide behind their mother’s skirts at the sight.”

I think they’d be a little much for Florence, though.


September 28, 2009

When I was young, I was the first to be wear ripped jeans to my mostly suited church; I was quickly reprimanded that this attire was unsuitable.

Many years later, I wore a suit to church (on a dare) and to a christmas party afterwards. I was stared at, made fun of, and even threatened with scissors (to loosen my tie).

Like society, church society is fickle and mean; if you don’t fit in to what others perceive as acceptable or comfortable, they will do their best to make you feel as they do.

I have about two dozen ascots and I wear them when I can, even to the cringing of my wife’s taste.

But here is the reality: I like the way I am dressed, I feel comfortable, and i’m also confident. With those three, what else matters?


September 24, 2009

Two words: how much?

The ascot, and your husband in it, look great.


September 24, 2009

I’m certainly no barometer of “cool,” but I think Andy rocks it.

And ascots are cool.


September 24, 2009

I have always wondered what an ascot looks like, but never enough to put down the book I was reading and find a picture online. Now I know. Thanks, Andy!


September 24, 2009

I only use this phrase when it is entirely appropriate and I actually did what it suggests: LOL!


September 24, 2009

A note to Andy.

I am your dear friend and I love you. You are my children’s God Father, and they love you.

Ascots are weird.


September 24, 2009

I actually think Andy can get away with it…he’s such a Renaissance man! And you are right—there is a big world out there and the orders COULD possibly come flowing in!

I like it!!


September 24, 2009

I love that HE found the tutorial. What a good crafty husband. ha!! Yea, the ascot isn’t quite up to cool par with the bow tie. :)

Mothering By Grace
Mothering By Grace

September 24, 2009

I know a fellow who is wearing an ascot every time I see him. Yes, he is older, British, and quite likely has a yacht. Still. . . the right person. . . not impossible to pull off.

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