Great Success at the Thrift Store Today

We walked in wanting to purchase some giant mirrors to hang in our house but they had already been sold.  We didn't leave emptyhanded though.  Check out all this cool stuff we got.

5 yards waverly canvas fabric ($1)

Stack of books- Less than $2

Vintage Leather Suitcase- $3

Seemingly Unworn Striderite Sandals in Owen's size - $1


Vintage Stencil Kit- Unused- including 20 stencils, unused paint and brushes.  Wondering what I should stencil first... Maybe the suitcase?  Or maybe this little key dock we got?

 Key and Letter Dock $2

Stay tuned this week for all sorts of stenciled goodness in Low-Fi Pictures as my camera is off to the hospital and PhotoBooth is all I have left.






May 19, 2009

Also, The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne, which didn’t make it out from under the passenger seat of the car until it was unearthed this morning.



May 16, 2009

I love Deacon’s “red” comment! The fabric looks GREAT. Ellie, I’ve done a little stenciling in my way-past, and if you’ve never done it, the key is to blot that stencil brush a LOT. You only want a very small amount of paint left on the brush before you use the stencil. Practice on something first, you’ll see…


May 16, 2009

Here’s the book list, in case you’re curious:

- The Little Engine that Could
- How to Talk Golf
- A History of Fire Engines (Fantastic. Deacon’s early impressions: “I need to memorize that these trucks are red!”)
- Official Poker Rules
- Kathleen Barry on Susan B. Anthony
- Will Durant, The Reformation
- Will and Ariel Durant, The Age of Voltaire: A History of Civilization in Western Europe from 1715 to 1756, with Special Emphasis on the Conflict between Religion and Philosophy (Now that’s a real title. They don’t make ‘em like that anymore!)
- Emily Post on Etiquette
- Wheelock’s Latin (the gold standard)
- Alan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students (Another great title. I read this when in the throes of my own personal disillusionment with my education a couple years back. I now own 3 copies. Free to a good home!)


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