This has been a long time coming for me. I've been wanting to try the all-natural cleaner route for a while but I've also had quite a stock from the generous pounding from our church of cleaners to use up. Well, this week I ran out of laundry soap, all purpose cleaner, sanitizing spray, baby wipes and dishwasher soap. I started looking all over this town for a bar of laundry soap and a box of Super Washing soda and I finally found it (at Harris Teeter for you local folks). So I got out my empty spray bottles and restocked.
Here's the recipes I used:
Laundry Soap:
-cut the soap in cubes and then grind everything in the food processor till the soap is fine. Use 1 T. per load and more if you have heavy soiled clothes. I'm not sure if this is alright to use on cloth diapers. I'll have to find out.
update- it seems it is NOT good for the fuzzi bunz which is what I use.
Dishwasher Soap- I posted this before, but this time I used super washing soda.
All Purpose Spray #1- Use in Bathrooms, sinks, oven (if you actually clean your oven, that is) etc.
When you wipe this stuff off, use a wet cloth. It can leave a powdery film otherwise.
Sanitizing Spray
Window Cleaner AND All Purpose Cleaner #2- Countertops etc.
Note- the vinegar smell disappears once it dries. But I kindof like the smell of pickles!
If you're cleaning windows, you can use newspaper instead of papertowels to prevent streaking. That's what we always used growing up. It will make your hands black though so be careful.
I'm adding some Lavender Essential Oil, just because I have it and love the way it smells.
Homemade Baby Wipes and Spray
Ok, this may seem weird, but it actually isn't. I still use disposable wipes when I'm out. I'm not that hardcore. I have some wipes I made out of flannel although many people just use cheapo washcloths. For the spray- fill the spray bottle with water and a few squirts of baby soap. Spray your washcloths or baby wipes and wipe away!
I made these wipes as a gift for a friend's baby shower a couple of years ago. My wipes are much less cute and much less pink.
The good thing is that the wipes double as hankies. After you wash them of course.
Now I guess I should clean something. I guess I'll start with putting all these cleaners away.
Target has borax for sure. I found the other two at a more upscale grocery store in the laundry aisle. I bet Giant Eagle would have it. If they don’t you can suggest they get it.
ALSO, you don’t have to use Fels Naptha, you can just use plain old Ivory soap.
You need to get with Hilary Bernstein. She is writing a book about this kind of stuff! My question is always, “WHERE does one get these products like Fels Nappa, Washing Soda, and Borax?”