Here are some of the bow ties for little guys that I've made lately. These things are just too cute.
Of course, I had to convince him that pink seersucker actually is cool for boys to wear. He was a little hesitant at first but he came around to like it.
And here's a christmas plaid one.
And a little Reindeer bow tie and neck tie set.
And finally, a patch madras neck tie.
I think I may add a children's tie section to my little "store".
The winner of this giveaway will win a bow tie of his choice or a free neck tie to bow tie conversion.
I've had it in my mind that I would give away a bow tie in conjunction with Reformation Day for a while now. We used to have Reformation Day parties and my husband would dress as Martin Luther and shave a tonsure in his head - which resulted in a very cold shaved-head November. This year, since he has a real job, he's decided to not be so bold with his costuming and thus, we will celebrate with a bow tie giveaway.
The contest is open to everyone - all you have to do is comment on this page. Also, you can get an extra chance to win by signing up for my new
MAILING LIST. I will use this list to send periodic updates when I add new bow ties to the store or decide to do specials. I promise not to spam you like crazy - I'm really not into that.
I will close commenting at midnight on October 30th and announce the randomly selected winner on Monday, November 2nd. Are you excited? I am.
Please announce this give-away on your forums, blogs, facebook and twitter so that we can spread the word about great, quality, handmade bow ties! Your support in this endeavor is what helps me to price my bow ties so reasonably. It is a community effort for sure.
So, let the games begin... Good luck.
I've had a great time seeing the variety of neck ties that people send me to convert into bow ties. The order that I popped into the mail today was by far the most interesting (and difficult) batch of ties that I converted yet. I can tell that the gentleman that owned these ties has used and loved them dearly and it makes me so happy that he'll be able to wear them again! He sent me 5 ties to be converted: Squirrels, Cheetas, and Swans belted together (one of his wife's favorites), Bunnies in hats and a vintage J.Press Paisley tie.
I felt like I was putting together a puzzle working around all of the love on these ties. When I finished them up this afternoon, I felt pretty proud of myself. I even was able to salvage the vintage label and sew it back into the bow (his request). I wish I would have taken better pictures, but here's what I've got. Maybe I'll see if he can send me some shots of himself wearing them.
Also on the agenda for this evening: a frog tie and a bear tie. I have such a fun job.
If you have an interest in having your ties converted, know that the charge is $23 for each tie. You can e-mail me at for more information.
I'm so excited about this batch of ties! I've got a great group of modern and classic ties with an ascot thrown in there for good measure. These babies are totally ready to go and can usually be shipped the same day they are ordered. Please share this website with all your bow tie wearing friends so that they can get their very own one of a kind bow tie. Here are some of the offerings. Hop on over to for all the ordering info.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="The Mocha - Click on Photo for more detail"][/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="The Analyst - Click on photo for more detail"][/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="The Ombudsman - Click on photo for more detail"][/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="The Andrew - Click on photo for more detail"][/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="The Regent - Click on photo for more detail"][/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="The Triumph - Click on photo for more detail"][/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The Trouble Maker - Click on photo for more detail"][/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="The Entrepreneur - Click on photo for more detail"][/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="The Educator - Click on photo for more detail"][/caption]
And remember, you can always send me your ties to convert into almost any style you would like. Also, I hope you don't mind, but I've decided to start charging shipping just to help offset my packaging and shipping costs. There is a $3 per order charge so if you order 1 or 5, the shipping charge is the same.
Contact me at for more information.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen. This is the first time I've been on a computer for any length of time in a while. A few days ago, my computer stopped working so it is now going to the apple hospital to hopefully be repaired.
I wanted to give you a bullet point-ish post though to remind you that I'm still around and tell you what's going on over here.
I'll leave you with this cute picture of my little boy wearing a romper I made for him a couple of weeks ago using my serger. It turned out pretty cute. This was my third time using this pattern. Do you remember the last time I made a romper? It was only 4 months ago and I used the leftover seersucker fabric to make my husband a bow tie (my first tie). It seems like forever ago - I've made hundreds of ties since then!
I was a busy little bee today making bow ties, another ascot and a custom wool scarf today. Tonight, I want to show you the bow ties. I've got some pretty fun ties to add to my mix. I didn't realize it until I was taking pictures, but I must have had red on the brain. These first three ties are conversions from neck ties. All very lovely if you ask me.
The next two are made with 100% wool fabric. Perfect for fall.
This one is a pinstripe linen to replace the blue pinstripe linen that I previously had. I wasn't able to get any more blue fabric, but I think this fabric is pretty nice.
And finally, these two ties were a custom order from a gentleman who wanted his ties to be pre-tied. They are 100% wool as well. I'm thinking of adding these to my "wool bow tie line". They obviously don't have to be pre-tied. What do you think about these fabrics for bow ties?
I'm hoping to get these photographed and officially on my store this weekend but know that they are available if you're too antsy to wait. Tomorrow, I'll have to show off this cool patch-tweed wool scarf that I made and the newest ascot.
Related to the Ascot: We discovered that you're only supposed to have one button open, not two. When Andy changed this he looked much less self-righteous. I think I'm coming around to liking them after-all - they're really fun to make too and they actually don't look bad on girls.
What's cuter than a little boy in a bow tie? I'll tell you: A little boy in a bow tie with his proud papa in a matching bow tie! I have made some father/son sets and it just makes me smile! Here are some photos of some very proud fathers with their little boys wearing bow ties. Both of these guys must have caught me on good days because I threw in their baby bow ties for free. Aren't these guys too cute for words?
Now of course, we have to recognize that the mothers are the real heros here who had to dress their squirmy little guys up, try to keep them from pulling at their bow ties and spilling water on themselves and then try to get them to look at the camera. Thanks moms! (Can you tell I've been through this?)
First, let me say that I've seen some great movies lately. Over the weekend, my husband and I watched "Matchstick Men" and loved it. And just tonight (while I dissected neck ties and folded laundry) we watched "State of Play". Both movies were rather good.
In other news, I got a small package in the mail last week containing 300 little labels for my bow ties. Aren't they just perfect? I'm still shocked that I'm a bow tie maker now, but even after making hundreds of ties over the summer, I still enjoy each little tie I make. They all have their own little personalities.
Here's "The Charlie" affectionately named after my grandfather (who did not wear bow ties but does have a great name).
My feverish 3 year old (who is fine today) kept me from updating on Monday as I would have liked, but here are some pictures of the new ties. I don't have any images of my model...(or shall I say my most handsome husband). But if you want any of these, you can e-mail ( me and save me and him the trouble.
This one is the Gee. Do you think he will like it?
And The Redeemer
Finally, "The Rascal"
And if you're interested in seeing what's in the queue, here are the ties on death row.
And now I am off to bed. Goodnight my friends.
I am writing you to tell you of my bow tie business, The Cordial Churchman. One of the professors of your school ordered a bow tie from me. He told me that your school is very accustomed to bow ties since you wear one every day. How many bow ties do you own? I've heard that you own over 900 and that one of your bow ties has visited outer space. I have a new collection of Bow Ties that I'll be posting on my store on Monday. Could you please check them out and see if any of them interest you? Today, I made a 2 inch diamond point fall colored madras tie that I think you would love. It would be my honor to have you wear one of my custom bow ties. Also, if you have any neck ties in the bottom of your closet, I'd be happy to convert them into bow ties for you.
With Kindest Regards,
I've been working hard on these bow ties and am so excited to finally get them up here for you all to see. Please visit the STORE ( and pick one out for yourself or your loved one. The ties can be ordered simply by e-mailing me at Bow Ties are $23 each. Please share this blog post with all your bow tie wearing friends.
Some of you have asked to see more pictures with more details of the ties so I've tried to accommodate you as best as I can. When you click on the ties, it will take you to my flickr page which has sets of photos of each ties. Also, I've had a few requests to make wool bow ties so I've added 3 wool fabrics to my stash. I think they look great. I hope you like them as much as I do.